Employee Comms

The Importance of Employee Relations


 — July 18th, 2020

The Importance of Employee Relations

Employees who believe their voices are being heard by their employers are almost five times more likely to feel empowered to perform their best work.

The importance of employee relations in the productivity, motivation, and engagement of workers is frequently overlooked. It is vital for employers to acknowledge the importance of such relations plays in the overall success of organizations.

Here are several effective methods that will ensure staff members feel more enthusiastic, appreciated, and valued in their roles.

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Employee Relations Process

1. Make an emotional connection

The first thing to consider when striving for positive employee relations is to focus on individual needs. Employers should get to know their staff members one-on-one to make true emotional connections. Whether it’s a sit-down meeting or a casual conversation, communicating with employees can allow employers to see what motivates them, what their goals are, and what they expect from the business.

2. Help workers feel pride in their jobs

When workers see their jobs as simply a means of obtaining a paycheck and feel no genuine pride in the roles they play within a company, this can greatly affect the standard of their work. To make employees feel more engaged in their roles, employers should make a conscious effort to find out what matters to their staff and how the company can help them reach their goals.

3. Listen to what employees have to say

Making it clear to employees that their voices and opinions are being acknowledged by senior members of a business is a great method for building trust. Staff members feel they have power and influence over what happens to them at work and this will allow them to have a greater level of job satisfaction. This might be in direct in-person discussion or by using tools such as online email surveys.

4. Create a path for career development

Employees who see their company has a career path lined out for them feel a greater level of engagement with the business and are far less likely to leave their positions. A LinkedIn Global Job Seeker Trend Report, which interviewed over 10,000 members, revealed the top trend was the desire for career growth. The survey surmised that to attract the best candidates, businesses should offer career opportunities, not jobs.

Other tips to enhance employee relations

  • Ensure staff understand the organization’s purpose
  • Support ways for employees to build relationships beyond the workplace
  • Recognize performance when it deserves to be acknowledged
  • Foster collaboration
  • Play to an employee’s strengths
  • Don’t depend on salary alone to motivate
  • Let staff take greater responsibility and ownership of their tasks and targets
  • Seek employee input on new team hires

7 Questions That Power Workplace Engagement

Types of Employee Relations


An important element of employee relations revolves around showing support and understanding towards workers. Employees should be encouraged to communicate about job-related issues or personal issues that may be having an impact on their work. Having an open-door policy can be an effective way to allow employees to know it is appropriate to start a conversation. Handling complaints, adjusting work schedules, or making referrals to useful resources can help employees feel reassured.

Performance Evaluation

Performance evaluation is an opportunity for workers to gain valuable feedback on their work and to obtain the information and tools necessary to help them succeed in their roles. If employers feel their workers have been doing a good job, they should offer praise and let them know their hard work has not gone unnoticed. If workers need some constructive criticism, employers should allow them a reasonable amount of time to make improvements based on the feedback they have received.

Corrective Action

It is often essential to take corrective action if an employee does something that requires a verbal or written warning. It is vital to remain objective when dealing with such matters and to cite company policies to back up any reason for taking corrective action.

Rule and Policy Interpretation

Ensuring employees are familiar with company policies is the responsibility of management. When recruiting new members of staff, employers should clearly explain the policies or any rules prone to misunderstandings. Management should also encourage all employees to come to them with any questions about company rules or policies. It can be helpful to use examples to show workers how a rule or policy can be violated in instances involving issues such as discrimination or workplace harassment.

Benefits of Employee Relations

Good relations between employers and staff are mutually beneficial. Employees will have much better job satisfaction and will be motivated to work harder to achieve their individual goals. This in turn will have a positive effect on companies’ production levels.

In addition, workers are likely to be more loyal towards their bosses and organizations if they feel their hard work is being fully appreciated and acknowledged. The creation of an open and fair work environment can have a positive impact on how employees view their seniors. When businesses foster this level of loyalty from their staff, the chances of employee retention will also increase, benefitting the organization in the long run.

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