Join our coronavirus crisis community. We're all in this together.
— May 22nd, 2020

While COVID-19 has cast grim clouds of global worry and despair, it has at the same time put Internal Communications in a spotlight like never before.
No doubt most of you are facing questions that never crossed your mind and meetings that previously didn’t enter your realm. It’s a daunting time for everyone, but as employees put their faith in their organizations and look to you for comfort and for reassurance… who is supporting you?
Three key communication lessons for managing a crisis
Our LinkedIn group, The Internal Communications Hub has transitioned to become a hub of support for all IC and HR professionals who are dealing with the Covid-19 crisis. A port in the storm if you will.
You can treat this space as the go-to virtual gathering place for IC and HR leadership, expertise, and networking; a space for you to connect with the Poppulo team, fellow customers and professionals as we all get to grips with the changing work culture and new social landscape.
“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” — Henry Ford
What can you expect from the group?
- Up to date knowledge and best practices
- Interactive discussion around crisis communications best practices and how best to support leadership during this challenging time.
- Examples of strategies and tactics - how they are being set up and deployed
- A focus on mental health, how to combat feelings of loneliness and isolation
- Ideas around how to keep staff informed and motivated while they work from home
- External resources for both HR & IC functions
- Above all, engaging conversation and the opportunity to make new connections while finding answers to your questions
Our goal is to help you, and our ears are open. So if there is a topic you want to talk about, an opinion you feel like getting off your chest or a handy resource you have found, please go ahead and post!
A few guidelines…
- We ask that you always post with kindness.
- Our intention is not to share news about the pandemic itself. Remember, none of us are qualified to give medical advice.
- This isn’t a time for sales pitches or spamming!
- Let’s keep the politics and complaining aside and help each other through this!
So if you find yourself with a difficult question, feeling isolated or in need of some advice, this is YOUR collaborative, like-minded community so please reach out and we’ll all do our very best to help and point you in the right direction.
“If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” — African Proverb