Employee Comms

The words that should be ingrained in the minds of every CEO and business leader


 — August 28th, 2020

The words that should be ingrained in the minds of every CEO and business leader

Ernest Hemingway is credited with writing the shortest story ever told:

For Sale: Baby shoes, never worn.

I doubt very much if Shel Holtz had Hemingway's famous six-words on his mind when he took less than 60 to define why employee communication is absolutely business-critical.

To this day, it's a benchmark:

"I believe utterly and without reservation, that good employee communication can elevate a company’s culture, inspire its employees, deliver bottom-line results, and help leaders sleep better at night. I believe equally that bad employee communication—or no employee communication at all—will undermine the best efforts of leaders, marketers, sales staff, and those dedicated employees who want the organization to succeed".

It should be nailed to the desk of every chief executive and business leader on the planet.

And all the more so in a time of cutbacks, redundancies, and squeezed employee comms budgets.


It must have something to do with the influence of the double Hs, Holtz & Hemingway, but this blog now holds the dubious distinction of being the shortest ever published on Poppulo. :)

Don't miss our three-part series of articles by Shaun Randol on:

Making the business case for investment in internal communications.

You can catch Part 1 here

Part 2, The chaos around COVID-19 is past us. That’s why Internal Communications is even more vital, will be published on Wednesday, September 9.

Part 3: The Workplace of the future needs to be communicated, will be published on Wednesday, September 16.

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